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May Day Flower Deliveries

New Song students Avery and Lilli and their teacher Miss Grace enjoyed a break from the quarantine with a creative May Day celebration. Sharing love through May Day gifts with neighbors was the perfect opportunity for the girls to bless... [read more]

Q&A with Associate Director and Co-Founder, Lisa Schloss

We took some time to catch up with Lisa to get her perspective on her different roles at New Song. We hope you enjoy reading her answers! Lisa, take yourself back in time for a moment. You and Bob... [read more]

Our new student enrollment process

Now more than ever, parents are concerned for the safety and well-being of their children. The COVID-19 pandemic has placed incredible burdens on many parents who were already struggling to meet their kids’ needs. In response to this crisis... [read more]

April 17th Zoom Open House

If you are a guidance counselor or other school staff member, we invite you to our VIRTUAL ZOOM OPEN HOUSE on New Song’s Brown County campus on April 17th at 10am! During this Zoom meeting we will give you an... [read more]

Ministry Report And Update!

God is so faithful in providing for New Song. Thank you for taking the time to read our Ministry Report And Update!... [read more]

Student and Work Team Videos

We praise God for the opportunity to minister to children. Thank you for viewing our Student Activity Video and 2019 Missions Trip Work Team Video below! Student Activity Video 2019 Missions Trip Work Team Video... [read more]

Bible Class: Prayer

“Prayer is so important because it stretches our faith and helps us through our hard times,” wrote Avery, age 14, on her recent Bible exam. “Prayer is something that we can do through everything and it helps God know that... [read more]

New Song Mission 2019 Annual Report

... [read more]

Stockings For Soldiers

The most wonderful time of the year is here! But it’s so tempting for kids to get caught up in a “me-first” attitude. That’s why we were excited to have our New Song students participate with kids from a... [read more]

Thankful To Be Caring For Kids, by Bob Schloss

“Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! His mercy endures forever.” (Ps 136:1) The goodness of God is more touching to Lisa and me than ever during this season of life. We are now in our... [read more]

Students Discover Wisdom in Proverbs

“Using knowledge is an everyday thing,” wrote 14 year-old Avery, a New Song student, on a recent quiz for Bible class. “You use your mind every single minute to respect others and set your paths straight.” New Song students... [read more]

Garden City Church Blesses New Song

“We thank the Lord for His strength in getting these projects to the finish line,” said Andy Murdock of Garden City Church (Columbus, IN). Andy, as well as church member Cindy Smock, spearheaded three very special projects that the church... [read more]

Would you like to help with groundskeeping this fall?

We would love to have your help! You can find more information about one-day or multiple-day mission trips to serve on the New Song campus here .... [read more]

Field Day Fun!

“I have been impressed again and again with my students’ resilience and growth, both this past school year and during our Summer Enrichment program,” shared New Song’s teacher, Lindsey McCracken. The success of her students was recently celebrated... [read more]

Crafty Volunteers!

It’s such a blessing to our students and staff when new ministry friends come to serve on campus, and that was certainly the case when LuAnn Ribley and her three close friends visited us earlier this spring! LuAnn and... [read more]

Spring Outing!

Getting an afternoon off of school is always nice for students, and that’s especially true when it leads to a fun outing. Such was the case on a nice, warm Tuesday afternoon this spring for the girls at New... [read more]

2018 Activities

2018 was a busy year at New Song full of God's blessings! Please enjoy this slideshow of our staff and students.... [read more]

2018 Volunteer Work Teams

Thank you to all of our wonderful volunteers for your help in 2018!... [read more]

Grateful for Noblesville's White Rock Fellowship!

To take care of and steward New Song’s 100-acre campus is a HUGE job! We are ever thankful for the volunteers that have given their time and energy to sustaining our ministry by helping with groundskeeping so that our campus... [read more]

Conflicts are Opportunities

The Bible has much to say about interpersonal relationships and provides very practical guidance for navigating conflicts. Students at New Song, like all of us, have regular opportunities to put peacemaking to use, and recently they were given the tools... [read more]

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