Your prayers and support will ensure our ability to receive kids in 2018!

Your prayers and support will ensure our ability to receive kids in 2018!

Dear Friends,

“When can I come live here?” said a boy who recently visited the New Song campus. Sadly, his mom never filled out the enrollment application. Boys and girls from at-risk families need to hear about the Jesus whose birth we celebrate this Christmas season. They desperately need know of His great love for them, and receive His comfort and care. 

“Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden,” Jesus says, “for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” 

New Song is dependent upon other organizations to refer at-risk children to New Song because we do not receive children through the court system. As you can see on the last page of this letter, throughout 2017 we’ve spent a significant amount of time, energy, and resources reaching out to these organizations, who we refer to as “referral source partners.”

While we’ve learned of several kids who would likely do well at New Song, such as the boy above, their parents have not formally applied for their enrollment. Other parents have wanted to enroll their kids, but children didn’t align with our enrollment criteria due to extreme behavioral issues. The New Song campus is open and available, and our two houseparent couples stand ready to serve, but as of the writing of this letter no children have been enrolled.

We’re told by directors of similar children’s homes outside of Indiana that that New Song isn’t well known enough yet. They’ve said that we are reaching out to the right types of organizations, but that it just takes time. These directors have encouraged us to be patient and keep spreading the word.

Walking by faith on a long, bumpy journey like New Song’s is challenging. Frustration, concern, and doubt attempt to creep in. But we continue to trust in God. He reminds us that “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.” (Ecc 3:1) We continue to trust and believe that He will bring forth our time, in His season.   

Divine glory was wrapped up in those swaddling cloths in the manger that first Christmas day. The “True Light which enlightens every man” came into the world. May children at New Song soon experience His love, care, and compassion. If you’d like to join our prayer team or make an important 2017 year-end gift, it would be a great encouragement to us!


For Christ and kids,

Robert P. Schloss, J.D.
Founder/Executive Director