Visits to the Humane Society

Visits to the Humane Society

Nasia is a quiet girl.  

This is sometimes an obstacle because our team doesn’t always know how she’s feeling. “Nasia is incredibly smart and loves playing games,” Laurie shares. “She’s just very quiet and keeps to herself a lot.”

This all changes though when Nasia gets to go to the Bartholomew County Humane Society.

Laurie loves taking Nasia and the other children to the shelter because everyone there knows them by name. While at the shelter, New Song students will often do a service project like cleaning up enclosures and common rooms. But Nasia’s favorite part is playing with the kittens.

“There are always kittens there,” Laurie says.  

After they get a little kitten cuddle time, the kids are able to give dogs some much needed exercise on the humane society’s dog agility course.

The experiences Nasia has at the shelter are therapeutic. Being with dogs, cats, hamsters. and other animals who don’t expect her to act a certain way or say anything brings her joy and healing.  

Special experiences like this are all a part of our holistic approach to ministry. Changes in boys and girls don’t happen overnight, and giving Nasia the time she needs to find her voice will help her be successful in the future.

You can help kids like Nasia right now. Please consider a generous gift today.